3D Printable Terrain & Miniature Kickstarters – February 2019
Since they are similar, I am now linking my Patreon List to this page. Along with Kickstarter, we have a number of great community members that post great new content regularly.
One of the great things about our 3D printers, is the 3D terrain we can create. This is one of the primary reasons I purchased a 3D printer. Without high-quality files with which to print, the printers are kind of useless. I’m going to be listing Kickstarters by the time left in their campaigns. If I missed any, please let me know. You can find these companies and more in our 3D Terrain directory. Finally, if you are looking at getting into printing terrain, check out this guide on getting your first 3D Printer. Click here for January’s Kickstarters. Click Here for March 2019 Kickstarters.
Note: FINISHED Kickstarters are at the bottom of the list.
Stormguard: 3D printable Terrain for RPG and Wargames
This Kickstarter has 7 days to go. RM Studios Terrain has been working on this one for some time. We started talking on the first of September when he had some drawings and a grand idea. Five months later, and Stormguard has arrived. Now, I have printed a couple of pieces (and currently have one on the bed). These look awesome, and print really well. This is a broken city that is very Tolkienesque. I’ve recently been playing Shadow of War and some of these pieces look like they would fit right into the ruins in there. If you need a fantasy themed table, this is probably one of best starting points out there.
RM Studios Terrain in the Directory
Interview with Marc Chabot from RM Studios Terrain
Modelling Miniatures – Digital modelling for 3D Printing
This Kickstarter has 6 hours to go. Steve is back with his book 2 for Modeling Miniatures guide. The first one is free, and the second one is pledge what you will. These are two books to get you really started in the realm of modeling miniatures for 3D Printing.
HeresyLab – Chrono Titan resin model and STL files
This Kickstarter has 29 hours to go. This is the latest “miniature” from HeresyLab, standing at over 10.3″ at the top of the wings. HeresyLab has released a number of previous Kickstarters that are also their previous Kickstarters as part of this Kickstarter. They produce incredibly detailed models.
3D Printable Sci-fi Terrain, Scenery and Vehicles!
This Kickstarter has 9 days to go. This Kickstarter has a very definite Star Wars Legion feel to it. It also has some nifty looking terrain that would fit for Kill Team. It’s a cross section of Sci-Fi genres for a multitude of tables. This is a quick, economical Kickstarter from the prolific Hayland Terrain at about $20. head over and check it out.
Hayland Terrain in the directory
Sci-Fi Desert Trading Post – 3D Printable Terrain
This Kickstarter has 8 days to go. This is the second Kickstarter from War Scenery. This one features a very Star Wars/Future Modern design. This would be great for Legion as well as other sci-fi games that lack that grimdark aesthetic like Infinity.
Terrain4Print – Ulvheim
This Kickstarter has 9 days to go. This is the second Kickstarter by Terrain 4 Print. This turns a few of the ruins he has released into a full blown ruined city. This Kickstarter compliments his Patreon where he released the first few pieces. This looks like a great start to an expansive ruined city that he has envisioned.
Terrain 4 Print in the directory
The Cemetery Gate
This Kickstarter has 9 days to go. This Kickstarter is all about a cemetery. From the bell tower to the cathedral monuments, and more. And as it says, you can’t have a cemetery without undead. This Kickstarter has a bunch of undead miniatures as well. This Kickstarter even includes a thematic dice tower.
Predators Occulte 3D miniatures for your printer
This Kickstarter has 10 days to go. GamesMiniatures is branching into the 3D Printed miniatures market. This is a fantasy football team for your favorite rule set out there. There are levels from a few models to the full set that looks to be about 30 models.
GamesMiniatures in the directory
Dark Ages, 3d printable terrain for tabletop
This Kickstarter has 10 days to go. The ever super prolific 3D Print Terrain is back with their 18th Kickstarter. This features a selection of Dark Ages / Medieval time frame terrain. It’s modeled at 20mm and has conversions for 15 and 28mm.
3D Print Terrain in the directory
3D Printable Airplanes (Re-Launch)
This Kickstarter has 13 days to go. It features various WWII 3D Printable airplanes.
Black Hallows Townsfolk II
This Kickstarter has 15 days to go. To say this is part of a VERY ambitious goal is kind of an understatement. Terrain, miniatures, RPG Scenerios, a novel, a miniatures game in the future. It’s all there. This is also brought in both physical and STL files, so watch what you pledge. This look like the groundwork for a very ambitious project and the models look terrific.
Sir Cireneg’s Castle – Border Fort
This Kickstarter has 16 days to go. This is the latest release from Kieran Billings. This is a Castle/Fortress for your gaming table at a low price. Kieran has been releasing a number of low cost, smaller Kickstarters and has been successful with them. This looks to be another success with it already reaching 68 backers.
Kieran Billings in the directory
Fantasy / Medieval 3D Printable Terrain
This Kickstarter has 24 days to go. This is an interesting Kickstarter with some conventional medieval terrain pieces as well as some fantastical pieces like the fort on the turtle. Have a look at this unique Kickstarter.
Brayan Nafarrate in the directory
City of the Hobgoblin King: 3D Printable Fantasy RPG Terrain
This Kickstarter has 30 days to go. This campaign features terrain inspired by Japanese architecture. This uniquely Asian themed Kickstarter brings a lot of new terrain looks to the 3D Printing terrain market. This is a collaboration between well known artist Iain Lovecraft and Matt Finch and Zach Glazar from Frog God Games.
3D-Printcraft.com in the directory
This Kickstarter has 31 days to go. This is a kickstarter that offers a range of hex based tiles that can be printed to represent a wide range of ground materials depending on the color as they show. It also includes a number of low-poly terrain for it, and resin molds for the hexes themselves to speed up production.
Historical Scenery : 3d printing scenery
This Kickstarter has 33 days to go. Thenainblanc is creating a line of historical buildings that are optimized for 8 mm to 15 mm wargames. The initial range includes China, North America, and Spain.
Savage Realms Citadel
This Kickstarter is in LATE PLEDGE. This Kickstarter features beautifully crafted modular walls and buildings to create a custom citadel. Whether your PCs need a base of operation, you need a custom wall for your wargame or even a centerpiece for your gaming terrain, this Kickstarter has it all. You can even get his previous Kickstarters at a great deal that are all compatible with his OpenPeg system. He’s sent a few pieces over for me to check out. They print really well.
Gamescape 3D / Jeremy Gosser in the directory
Check out the Mini-Keep Sample on Thingiverse
The Makerfun3D Interview with Jeremy Gosser of Gamescape 3D
Haldane Creations interview with Jeremy Gosser
Starship III – Fully 3D Printable 28mm Spaceships
This Kickstarter will be in LATE PLEDGE soon. As the title says, this is the third Starship Kickstarter that 2nd Dynasty has done. This one features fully printable ships with full interiors for Roleplaying games or as scenery for a war game. They would also make some pretty amazing objective markers for a war game. I’ll admit, I am seriously thinking about firing up a Starfinder game, to use this ship in.
Beasts of War Weekender Interview with Ben Mowbray
Ben is active on his Discord server
Dwarves, Elves and Demons
This Kickstarter is in LATE PLEDGE. This latest epic Kickstarter from Printable Scenery. It features fantasy themed scatter terrain for Dwarves, Elves, and of course, demons. This is a huge kickstarter and you can pledge for several earlier Kickstarters they have done and save some money there, as well.
Printable Scenery in the directory
BattleFX – 3D Printable visual effects
This Kickstarter is in LATE PLEDGE. This is an interesting Kickstarter that adds effects to models on the battlefield. Rockets, fireballs, guns firing. It enhances your models. It also features battlefield effects for when when things go BOOM. Check out this Kickstarter for something new in the 3D Printing realm.
Deadly Print Studio in the directory
The Skyless Realms – 3D Printable Tabletop Models
This Kickstarter has finished. This is a fantasy niche that has not been tackled before, it’s Dark Elf terrain. This is a beautifully created world he has designed and features a new piece called “Dungeon Sticks”. It reminds me of scatter blocks, with a touch of tiles without the tiles. This is a different concept that combines a battlemat with scatter terrain to build the dungeon instead of straight up dungeon tiles. Lots of innovation, and collaboration in this Kickstarter
EC3D / Evan Carothers in the directory
Kingdoms of Hell
This Kickstarter has finished. Kingdoms of Hell is something different. First of all, it is a lot of awesome looking miniatures and gaming terrain. Next, it is a Role Playing Game using Ill Gotten Games’ D6 Modular Engine. Finally, it is ALSO a skirmish war game using the miniatures you print, or have laying around to form bands of demons to duke it out. It’s also cross-compatible with the RPG system. This is quite a bit of content for one Kickstarter.
Ill Gotten Games in the directory
Titans of Legend
This Kickstarter has finished. Valendar has been working on this Kickstarter for some time. I watched him working on minis for it on his live stream and he has been showing them off. All of that time and effort have come to fruition with this Kickstarter giants of legend. The Kickstarter also features rules for these characters for D&D 5e. They are optimized for FDM and Resin printing. Check out this moderately priced Kickstarter featuring a number of cool models to print and use in your games.
Valendar / William Charles Chamberlin in the directory
YouTube Live Streams featuring his work on Titans of Legend
DRAGONLOCK™ 3D Printable Miniatures
This Kickstarter has finished. This latest project from Fat Dragon Games features 3D printable miniatures that do not require supports to print. These are not the first set of miniatures he has released but the previous sets are available as an additional $10 add-on to this Kickstarter. If you need additional fantasy miniatures, this Kickstarter seems to have you covered and I have printed a number of his skeletons and they look great on both FDM and SLA printers.
Fat Dragon Games in the Directory
YouTube Video about the Easy to Print miniatures
Epic Stuff Library vol 4: D&D 5E/Pathfinder adaptable.
This Kickstarter has finished. This is not a conventional 3D Printable Kickstarter but a Pathfinder/D&D Kickstarter with some 3D STL files added in. Right now, that is a Miniature and a couple of additional files.
Diego Pisa Artworks in the directory
WOR: The World of INFERNO
This Kickstarter has finished. This is the latest Kickstarter from Worlds Over Run and features a hellscape look. From the incredible Reaper model to terrain tiles that are made to work as scatter terrain as well. This one even features a Special Buy on Ender 3s that have been upgraded with many of the most important upgrades.
Worlds Over Run in the directory
Interview with Eric Askue about Inferno
Undersea Adventures – NPCs and Scatter
This Kickstarter has finished. This is a new Kickstarter that features terrain and NPCs for an underwater adventure. This includes 8 miniatures and a bunch of small scatter items.
Tilescape GOTHIC CITY 3D Printable Modular Building System
This Kickstarter has finished. As the name says, this is a “Gothic City” and looks beautiful. This is a VERY ambitious project (like Rocket Pig tends to do). Tons of buildings, walkways, water features, plus amazing addons that add an airship, steamship (this is something that has been missing in the community) and SO much more. And by more, I mean tons of monsters even.
Rocket Pig Games in the directory
Road to collapse – Modern & post apo scenery
This Kickstarter has finished. This is a Kickstarter for 20mm scenery. He has the conversion in the Kickstarter, and it can be scaled down to 15mm and up to 28mm. This is both fully built, and destroyed versions of the terrain. There is also an “empty”, non furnished version of the terrain. Through Christmas you can get it on sale, as well.
Eskice Miniature in the directory
WOWBuildings further Space Adventures 3D print STL files
This Kickstarter has finished. This is WOW’s 3rd Sci-Fi / Space themed Kickstarter (and 7th overall). This one features all kinds of terrain and items for your Sci-fi based gaming table. From tanks and walkers, to gun emplacements, roads, buildings and more, this has pretty much everything you would want. If you need further Sci-fi terrain, check this one out.
WOW Buildings in the directory
Primeval Forest – 3D Printed Trees for Miniature Wargaming
This Kickstarter has finished. This is a fairly straight forward campaign. It’s all about trees. So far, 2 stretch goals have been released. It’s only $10 to jump into. I have high hopes for more Greebles coming from a guy that bills himself as “The Exotic Greeble”.
The Exotic Greeble in the directory
3D Printable Scifi Structures for Tabletop Gaming Vol 4
This Kickstarter has finished. Project Mobius brings us another set of terrain for your Sci-Fi gaming table. This campaign features armaments, tiles, scatter terrain and walls for your game. He has a very thematic look to his pieces bringing them all together. There are also add-ons for his previous 3 Sci-Fi structure campaigns to be added.
Project Mobius in the directory
The Fallen Titans Terrain & Miniatures
This Kickstarter has finished. He has taken a “Titan Skeleton” and used it to base several terrain pieces off of. He then uses those models and places them in different “areas” like overgrown, and cold regions.
Omegames Miniatures in the directory
Sci-fi terrain for tabletop games
This Kickstarter has finished. This is a relatively simple Kickstarter that features stairs, walkways and some scatter terrain for your Sci-fi (and honestly modern) tabletop game. When I say simple, I mean it in the best way possible. It is one thematic piece, at a low price point.
Tainted Brush Studio in the directory
For those of you in this boat, I created a guide for those that don’t own a 3D Printer. If you are looking to pick up a 3D Printer, check out my 3D Printer Buying Guide.
Not affiliated with him but Diego Pisa Artworks whom i’ve backed a few projects of in the past currently has a couple .stl models in his current Epic Stuff Library vol 4: D&D 5e/Pathfinder adaptable kickstarter going on right now. Easy to miss but it’s only $1usd for a pretty cool monster and a tomb.
Thanks for that. Not really 3D Printing centric, but I added it to the list. 🙂 You are correct, $1 isn’t bad for that. Maybe that will help get others to add some models to their Kickstarters and get more interest in 3D Printing. And, for $1, I backed it too. 🙂