3D Printed terrain for Star Wars Legion by FFG

This guide is to provide a single location with which to to link my individual articles about 3D Printed Terrain for Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars Legion miniatures wargame. As I write more guides on where to get scenery, I’ll add the links here to give you one simple location to look.  A lot of terrain is built for 40K’s grimdark future, or fantasy.  Star Wars has a different style to it that I believe this terrain makers exemplify. If you are interested in other games, check out my terrain guides for other games.

The Legion Guides

  1. Star Wars Legion Terrain – Page 1: When I saw the first teaser video out of Gen Con, my mind went right to the Desert Terrain made by Terrain 4 Print.  These  terrain pieces are made for modern games, but easily fit into a desert terrain.  
  2. Star Wars Legion Terrain – Page 2: It seemed that a lot of people were interested in 3d Printable Terrain for Legion.  Because of that, I created this second list.  It is also after this that I discovered Imperial Terrain.  This article gives more ideas across more terrain types like forests as well as sci-fi elements.  
  3. Star Wars Legion Terrain – Page 3: With this article, I looked forward to upcoming terrain.  I was aware of terrain from Imperial Terrain for Star Wars Legion and more from Terrain 4 Print. Each one has some different takes on Tatooine or desert scenery.  I’ve since been made aware of another company that has some terrain that was kickstarted that would fit as well.
  4. Star Wars Legion Terrain – Page 4: In this article I talk about the latest releases from several makers, including final parts from the previous, preview article.  Terrain 4 Print has moved to Patreon for funding and released 6 new buildings.  Imperial Terrain has released a number of new buildings and terrain pieces plus there have been a few recent Kickstarters that have terrain fitting for Legion.
  5. Star Wars Legion Terrain – Page 5: In the past several months there has been a LOT of new terrain created for Star Wars Legion.  With just a bit over a week to go to launch, it is crunch time to get your terrain ready to go!  There are new entrants that are making Star Wars Legion Terrain.  Modelers that have been doing this for the past several months have been producing more.  And this time, I talk about mats and music to add another level of ambiance and immersion into your games.

If you are inspired to pick up a 3D Printer and start using them, I have put together this quick guide on selecting a 3D Printer.  If you want the quick nitty gritty and to the point, this is your guide.  I have a link to my more in-depth guide there as well.  

As I come up with more posts about the Legion miniatures game, I will add them here.  There are a number of scratch builds and paper craft models that are outside the scope of this page and site, as well.  If you want to learn more, check out the Star Wars legion Terrain (Unofficial) page and the Star Wars Legion subreddit.  Finally, if you are new to 3D Printing, I put together a Printable 3D scenery for Games guide that went along with a presentation I did at the Gem State Gaming convention.  It has some ways to get started into 3D printing. 

Enjoy the guide!  

Here are some reference photos that Nadim Khemir took while visiting the former Star Wars set.  It may give you some ideas on colors and weathering. 

Tatooine Set Pieces: 

Other Regional Photos: