Tevo Tornado Unboxing and Preview Guide
Gearbest has sent me a Tevo Tornado and Creality CR-10s to do a comparison review. This is my Tevo Tornado Preview and unboxing article. I’ve actually had this for about 2 weeks giving me some time with it, but I have run into a few issues. The biggest issue I ran into, was Y shifting. This is something that has occurred regularly with these printers. Rui Raptor and Chuck Hellebuyck have both done videos on the Y-shift issue and how to adjust it. After increasing the voltage to the Y stepper, the shifting went away. Then, I found a problem with the X-shifting. In looking at the carriage, I realized that the belt was loose (it wasn’t before). I tightened the X belt up. Leveled the bed, and got some decent prints. I’ve been printing some World War Tesla figures for Fat Dragon Games‘ latest miniature game. I wanted to get this preview done, so I don’t have any decent photos of prints from Tornado yet, but it is producing acceptable prints. I do think it needs to be tuned in a bit more and I want to do that before getting serious on the review. I’m including the first successful print I got off of it. I haven’t had a chance to look for Salmon Skin yet which was covered in another video. I did order some smoothers when I placed this printer on order for review. Two major improvements of the Tevo Tornado I have noticed over the CR-10s is the noise is much lower from Tevo Tornado and the the bed heats up much quicker.
You can learn more about tuning and upgrading the Tevo Tornado from this previous article I put together. For the price, I have been very impressed by the Tevo Tornado so far. It actually went together faster than the CR-10s, but I would tend to believe that had more to do with the fact that I had put the CR-10s together previous, and this is a CR-10 clone with their own variations. Check out the video to watch the build.