Buy or Build a Dual Z Axis for your Tevo Tarantula
There are two ways to put a Dual-Z mod on your Tevo Tarantula. There is the easy/expensive way which is the pre-built kit from Tevo. There is also the slightly harder way, putting the kit together, yourself.
To replicate the kit with separate parts, you can look at the list that Tevo Supplies us on the page above:
Lead Screw (Get the 400mm), Spring Coupler (Get the 5×8), Stepper Motor, Splitter Cable (You can make your own, as well).
Then, you can either buy an Aluminum/Carbon Fiber kit with dual Zs, or print the brackets. I have always been a fan of Thingirob’s Brackets, but any 2nd Z would work well. This is a simple Z-Gantry Holder for the brass nut. Neither of these are close to the only ones on Thingiverse to try.
This is a pretty simple upgrade that will really help your Tevo Tarantula print better. For more ideas to upgrade your Tevo Tarantula and other i3 based printers, check out my upgraded guide.