3D Printable Terrain & Miniature Kickstarters – April 2020
Please let me know if I am missing any campaigns. You can find these companies and more in the 3D Terrain directory. Click here for last month’s Kickstarters. Click here for next month’s Kickstarters. The latest Terrain and Miniatures Kickstarters can be found here: http://3dmkf.com/TerrainKS
I’m doing some research to find out what people are purchasing (or downloading for free) when it comes to 3D printable terrain and miniatures. I’d really appreciate it if you would fill out the survey (if you have not yet). A link to view the results is at the end of the survey, if you are curious.
For the list of Patreons, check out my Patreon Page.
Note: FINISHED Kickstarters are at the bottom of the list.
Roads to Adventure: STL Files for Large Primitive 3D Roads
This Kickstarter has 13 days to go. This Kickstarter is pretty much the definition of “crushing it”. In 2 days it has attracted 342 backers. GameScape3D has hit on something universal, roads, at an amazing price of only $10. This is an incredible bargain. They have created a number of Kickstarters up to this point, so they know how to make well-designed models that print well. I’ve been printing a few and must say they look really good. This one is really too good to pass up.
The Ignis Quadrant – 3D Printable Tabletop Models
This Kickstarter has 58 hours to go. The Ignis Quadrant is the latest brainchild from EC3D Design /Evan Carothers. The all in version of this Kickstarter features miniatures, vehicles, plus a wide assortment of miniatures. This is a great looking Kickstarter featuring a Sci-Fi theme. If you are in need of this kind of terrain, it’s really hard to beat the deals you get from Evan Carothers on his Kickstarters.
Magmhorin Realm & Cuetzpal Empire: Printable files
This Kickstarter has 24 hours to go. This is a very cool looking fantasy terrain set that features great looking models for your wargame board. It also includes a number of great looking miniatures and some smaller scatter terrain as well.
Lost Kingdom Miniatures in the directory
Religious Building in 41th millenium 3D STL files
This Kickstarter has 60 hours to go. This Kickstarter has several buildings for sci-fi, grimm dark games.
La boîte à rabiots in the directory
3D Printable OpenLOCK Compatible Tiles-Battle Sub Suzunami
This Kickstarter has 4 days to go. This is a new one. A 3D Printable battle sub. This is another great looking Kickstarter from Project Mobius. It features the outer hull as well as tiles (OpenLOCK compatible) that fit inside to create differing configurations.
Project Mobius in the directory
Townbuilder Unlimited
This Kickstarter has 7 days to go. After a very rocky start on their last version of this Kickstarter, they pretty much hit it out of the park with what they learned. It’s a very cool idea where they have a number of pieces that you put together to create a building you need, and then the STL file is exported to be printed. (Think along the lines of Hero Forge, except for buildings). They are currently crushing their stretch goals making this an even better value for the money. Check it out.
Survivors of Collapse
This Kickstarter has 11 days to go. This Kickstarter has everything you need for a post apocalyptic game. From miniatures, to large scatterterrain/buildings, to small pieces/props to scatter around. This has it all. It’s basically and apocalypse in a box.
Eskice Miniature in the directory
Brave New Worlds
This Kickstarter has 16 days to go. This is the latest Kickstarter from Printable Scenery. It features 3 “worlds” to game in. A sci-fi setting with tiles to create a base. An overgrown ruins, and my favorite, the apocalyptic setting with a stripped bus and more goodies. This would look so good if sized down for Gaslands.
Printable Scenery in the directory
Women of Gevurah : Fantasy 3D Printable Tabletop Miniatures
This Kickstarter has 18 days to go. This Kickstarter features 40+ miniatures. This is part of a long-term goal of creating a new board game with these miniatures as part of it. There are multiple pledge levels to back this Kickstarter or to get this one and the previous one as well.
Dodos Riding Dinos
This Kickstarter has 20 days to go. So, who doesn’t like Dinosaurs? Who doesn’t like Dodos? (They were my favorite scene from Ice Age). Well, this Print and Play game pairs them together. This KS includes a full print and play version as well as fully printed version of the game. It’s always interesting to see fully realized board games that can be fully printed on paper and in 3D For the models.
Detestable Games in the directory
Cthulhu: Lovecraftian Bestiary – 3D Printable Models
This Kickstarter is in LATE PLEDGE. This is the latest release from the talented Brayan Nafarrate. This is another massive Kickstarter featuring Cthulhu mythos creatures. Remember, his prices are in the Mexican currency, which is very different from other currencies. I’ve got a number of his figures and they all are awesome. There are also funding levels that feature his previous Kickstarter as well.
Brayan Nafarrate in the directory
Nine Worlds
This Kickstarter has finished. Do you need vikings? If so, this is the Kickstarter for you! It starts out with Vikings… Imagine the scene from The Matrix when he gets “guns, lots of guns” but instead of guns, you get viking miniatures. That is what the core of this Kickstarter is. The first stretchgoal has been reached, an incredible looking Fire Jotnar. there are also some longhouses and barricades unlocked. Also, as part of the core rewards is a great looking longship and an encampment full of scatter terrain.
Ill Gotten Games in the Directory
Dice Heads: D20 Dice Holders
This Kickstarter has finished. If you are looking for something unique for gaming, look no further. These are awesome miniatures you put a D20 in. I printed my gaming group these for Christmas Presents this year (plus gave them a metal die to put in them). They look awesome, print really well, and are very unique.
Fates End – 3D Printable Dice Towers
This Kickstarter has finished. One day in, and this Kickstarter has already crushed it’s first 5 stretch goals. At this moment, with 28 days to go, you already get 19 different dice towers to choose from. Plus, you can download one of them from her Thingiverse page right now – Link in the Kickstarter. There are a ton of different dice towers to choose from with 19 unlocked so far.
Primeval Clash
This Kickstarter has finished. This is a new miniatures that is fully printable. From the rules and game aids to the miniatures themselves. These are very stylistic miniatures and if the gameplay is good this could be a fun game. At the very least, the miniatures look great.
Nerd Palace Games in the directory
Legendary Dragons 3D printable files for Miniatures
This Kickstarter has finished. This is a pretty epic Kickstarter with a number of Legendary Dragons. This is a little bit of a complex Kickstarter because it looks like it has pieces from 3 different studios being built for it. Ultimately, it looks like there are a large number of miniatures that are epic scale and amazing looking coming out for this.
Monster Miniatures II: Support-Free Tabletop Miniatures
This Kickstarter has finished. Get ready for another MASSIVE bundle of monsters. This is the second release from Rocket Pig Games featuring a ton of miniatures, and if history is any indication, they will blow through all of the stretch goals before it reaches its end. These are 100% support free miniatures for your RPG or tabletop games.
Rocket Pig Games in the directory
Texture rolling pins for wargames
This Kickstarter has finished. This is a Kickstarter that has both physical and 3D Printable (STL) rewards. Make sure you choose the right one. On the high end, there are 35 total texture rolling pins you can print and use. If you do a lot of physical modeling, this may be just what you were looking for. We are seeing more and more of these available for 3D Printing.
Quarantine Props in the directory
BIKES & BOTS – 3D Printable Tabletop Models
This Kickstarter has finished. This Kickstarter features a number of well, bikes and bots. These are very cool looking robots to be used in games. There are also a number of great looking sci-fi bikes. These look really good.
Bombshell Miniatures in the directory
Uncharted Realms – Lords of Shadow
This Kickstarter has finished. AntiMatter Games is back with another fully printable miniatures game. This one pits demonic forces against the surface world. You can seriously get the game, plus all the miniatures to print all in one Kickstarter.
AntiMatter Games in the directory
Damocles part 1, modular industrial buildings for wargaming
This Kickstarter has finished. This is a modular system for creating buildings for your sci-fi wargame. This allows different looks for the terrain and keeps it modular to build what is needed.
Alario / William Touret in the directory
3D Printable Fantasy Ruins
This Kickstarter has finished. This is a Kickstarter of fantasy terrain. There are a handful of fantasy ruins for your gaming table.
Daryl Macleod in the directory
3D Printable Fantasy Props
This Kickstarter has finished. This Kickstarter brings a large number of props to the mix for your games. There are a wide range of props to use to build up your game table with in this Kickstarter. From crates, to treasure, to cooking, and everything in between.
STL Miniatures in the directory
Sky Shards: The Arrival
This Kickstarter has finished. It features 4 factions of 6mm printable BattleMechs as well as 8 buildings and additional roof props to customize the buildings. There are a number of additional buildings that can be unlocked and will be added as the campaign continues.
3D Breed Miniatures in the directory
Pinup Sexy Brutale Printable 3D Pretty Ladies.
This Kickstarter has finished. The title has basically all about this KS. Pinup poses of fantasy models. If you want to add more sex appeal to your game, this is one way to do it.
Infinite Bestiary in the directory
The Legions of Ruin: 3D Printable War Machines
This Kickstarter has finished. If you are looking for a Titan or a couple of tanks, this is the Kickstarter for you. It features a giant Titan as well as a couple of tanks/siege engines with interchangeable weapons. It looks like the miniatures are designed for 28mm or 8mm depending on your need.
Aphyrion Miniatures in the directory
Forward to the future 4.0-3D printing for Board games
This Kickstarter has finished. This is a number of miniatures for spaceships for various games. I’ll admit, I’m a bit concerned on this one he lists other Kickstarters that you can get parts from as well, but as far as I can see, there are multiple Kickstarter accounts that feed back to the same pool of miniatures. The Spaceships 3.0 was on one of the other accounts.
This Kickstarter has finished. This is a MASSIVE collection of miniatures. This is a terrific set of miniatures that look really good. These demons could be used in miniatures games and in RPG games that take you to the levels of hell.
Miniatures of Madness in the directory
The Scourge of Valtan Forest: 3D Printable STLs for Tabletop
This Kickstarter has finished. This Kickstarter features a number of miniatures of forest dwelling goblins and orcs, plus other creatures. It looks like a pretty ambitious project if fully funded. Tons of miniatures for the game table.
Neptali Jordan Papel in the directory
Modu-FAB – 3d Printable Wargames Terrain
This Kickstarter has finished. This is a modular Sci-Fi terrain set. This is a very extensive set of terrain and it is their 3rd Kickstarter. This would make a great addition to anyone’s sci-fi gaming table.
Watcorp Designs in the directory
Loec’s Half Elf Priestesses ~ Bright Dawn Cheerleaders
This Kickstarter has finished. These are Fantasy Football cheerleaders. If you play Guildball, Bloodbowl or other fantasy football game, this is a good set of cheerleaders for your squad.
Claudia Rodríguez in the directory
Stick Figure Melee
This Kickstarter has finished. This is “a game in a box”. Basically, it’s everything you need to play a little board game. It even has more expansions planned as time goes on before launch to extend it even further.
Epsilon III: Shield Generator Assault- 3D Printable Scenery
This Kickstarter has finished. This is a cool looking base and shield generator complex. There are a number of pieces that can be printed to build out this entire complex.
Plastic Nerds in the directory
This Kickstarter has finished. These are 28mm models and there are conversion percentages for 32mm and 15mm as well. This is meant to build a historic harbor setting for your wargame. This would be good for a RPGs, and Wargames that take place on a harbor.
Stone City of Arkenfel 3D printable terrain
This Kickstarter has finished. It’s not often that I have 3 friends all link the same Kickstarter to me. This is one of them. Dark Realms has had a long-term Patreon going on. He has released his 3rd Kickstarter featuring a city made of stone. The models look really good and you can see his previous work if you are curious. (And the Beeroholder is one of my all-time favorite miniatures).
Warmachines For Survival by LOOTgames // 10day ReRun
This Kickstarter has finished. This is the same Kickstarter he ran a couple of weeks ago.
TIZEC: Waterfront Modular Terrain
This Kickstarter was unsuccessful. This is a modern take on waterfront terrain. (though the “story” for it, is sci-fi based). It even features a boat that goes along with it. There are a number of buildings that all go together and can be expanded upon.
Reaper’s Grimm Miniatures in the directory
3D Skeleton Army! 9 Unique STL designs
This Kickstarter has been canceled. This is a Kickstarter that features 9 Skeleton designs. If you are in search for more undead, you may want to have a look at this Kickstarter.
Dead Parrot 3D in the directory
What if I don’t have a 3D Printer?
I created a guide for those that don’t own a 3D Printer. It goes through several places that you can get prints done. I plan to expand it as new ideas come my way.
If you are looking to pick up a 3D Printer, check out my 3D Printer Buying Guide. If you want the bare-bones, quick recommendation, check out my quick guide to what 3D Printer to buy.