3D Printable Terrain & Miniature Kickstarters – February 2020

Please let me know if I am missing any campaigns.  You can find these companies and more in the 3D Terrain directory. Click here for last month’s Kickstarters. Click here for March’s Kickstarters.  The latest Terrain and Miniatures Kickstarters can be found here: http://3dmkf.com/TerrainKS

I’m doing some research to find out what people are purchasing (or downloading for free) when it comes to 3D printable terrain and miniatures.  I’d really appreciate it if you would fill out the survey (if you have not yet).   A link to view the results is at the end of the survey, if you are curious. 
 Take the Survey: http://3dmkf.com/Makerfun3DSurvey

For the list of Patreons, check out my Patreon Page.

Note: This Month’s FINISHED Kickstarters are at the bottom of the list. 

BattleFx Fantasy: 3D Printable Spells, Magic, props and more

BattleFx Fantasy: 3D Printable Spells, Magic, props and moreThis Kickstarter has 10 days to go.  BattleFX is back, this time with a fantasy theme.  Spells, traps, condition markers, and more!  This is another very unique Kickstarter from Deadly Print Studios.  And, if you missed their previous Sci-Fi based BattleFX, they have both of the Kickstarters on their own pledge level.  There are not a lot of what I would call “universal” Kickstarters out there, but this is one of them.  If you play fantasy games, and use fantasy miniatures, the spell effects look awesome.  Check out a sample from Thingiverse.

Deadly Print Studios in the directory
Deadly Print Studios Interview

Cthulhu: Lovecraftian Bestiary – 3D Printable Models

Cthulhu: Lovecraftian Bestiary - 3D Printable ModelsThis Kickstarter has 22 days to go.  This is the latest release from the talented Brayan Nafarrate.  This is another massive Kickstarter featuring Cthulhu mythos creatures.  Remember, his prices are in the Mexican currency, which is very different from other currencies.  I’ve got a number of his figures and they all are awesome.  There are also funding levels that feature his previous Kickstarter as well. 

Brayan Nafarrate in the directory

3rD Army Terrain: Necrossia – 3D Printable Terrain

3rD Army Terrain: Necrossia - 3D Printable TerrainThis Kickstarter has 2 hours to go.  This is a new endeavor from ProtoKraken.  This is their first release for Tabletop terrain.  It features some great looking pieces that are inspired by the Necron armies.  If you are a tabletop war-gamer, check this Kickstarter out.  Great looking terrain, great price, great value. Necrossia has blown through 10 stretch-goals so far, making it an even BETTER value.  Check out a sample terrain piece from Thingiverse.

ProtoKraken in the directory
ProtoKraken Interview

Terrain Frames – Modular Terrain System

Terrain Frames - Modular Terrain SystemThis Kickstarter has 48 hours to go. This is a new terrain locking system.  This Kickstarter features everything to get ready to use this new interlocking system.  You use the frame to put the pieces in to create the layout 

Casey Lowe in the directory


Women of Tabletop : 3D Printable STLs

Women of Tabletop : 3D Printable STLsThis Kickstarter has 4 days to go.  This is the third Kickstarter from Mia Kay.  This one features female characters for all of your gaming needs.  These are a great deal at $10 for 8 models, and more to be unlocked.  There are 8 races, and with all stretch goals there is a possibility of 2 classes for each race.  These are terrific looking models, as always.  

Mia Kay in the directory

Monster Families – 3D supportless printable miniatures

Monster Families - 3D supportless printable miniaturesThis Kickstarter has 6 days to go.  This is a bit different, having monsters and their babies.  It looks really good.  The first set of stretch goals are unlocked and there is a deal on a number of other miniatures as well.  This looks like a very well rounded Kickstarter that also has some very unique aspects. 

Cassandre Loiseau in the directory

Gilded Sails: 3D-printed ships for the Anglo-Dutch Wars

Gilded Sails: 3D-printed ships for the Anglo-Dutch WarsThis Kickstarter has 6 days to go.  This Kickstarter is for Age of Sail warships.  He’s already got a number of ships in this line and this Kickstarter adds more to it, to add to your games.  These are designed to print on FDM printers and Resin printers.  

Henry Turner in the directory


Dungeon Architect-The sci-fi files

Dungeon Architect-The sci-fi filesThis Kickstarter has 7 days to go.  This is a Kickstarter that features 3D Printable stamps for building terrain.  There are also some rollers for creating textures.  This is their second Kickstarter for 3D Printed textures.  If you need some additional pieces for creating textures for your terrain building needs.  

Wartorn Studios in the directory

Dungeon Pegs – The Enchanted Forest

Dungeon Pegs - The Enchanted ForestThis Kickstarter has 8 days to go.  This is the second expansion for the dungeon Pegs system of terrain.  This one takes you into the forest, featuring mushrooms, streams, trees and more.  These are modestly priced dungeon tile sets.  

Tom Perrett in the directory


Meepleverse 2: A Meeple Odyssey

Meepleverse 2: A Meeple OdysseyThis Kickstarter has 11 days to go.  Meeples, Ill Gotten Games entry into the “simple” miniature market.  This time, they are all in on Sci-Fi adventurers.  These are simple miniatures to print for your game.  They are not as generic as standard meeple, giving you far more variety.  With Meepleverse, you get some simple terrain and buildings, and several “Meeple” to print.  As stretch goals are unlocked, we’ll see more meeples for the peoples.  (sorry couldn’t resist).  

Ill gotten games in the directory

PrintABlok Mechs

PrintABlok MechsThis Kickstarter has 10 days to go. Joe Larson, better known as the 3D Printing Professor has released his latest Kickstarter.  This one features blocks that you build mechs around.  Weapons systems, legs, canopies, and more.  I’ll admit, this makes me want to dig out my Mobile Frame Zero rules.  I think they may fit together well.  

3D Printing Professor / Joe Larson in the directory

Steampunk: trains, automatons and platform

Steampunk: trains, automatons and platform

This Kickstarter has 12 days to go.  This Kickstarter features 5 unique looking steampunk trains.  These feature full on trains with cars and everything.  It also features a train platform.  This looks like the beginning of a series of steampunk pieces for 3D Printing, if there is enough support.

Xardas-3D in the directory

Creatures of Cromsfall

Creatures of CromsfallThis Kickstarter has 11 days to go.  This is what he describes as miniatures and “bigatures” of H.P. Lovecraft monsters. He has a modest price on them and they look good.  The first stretch goal has been met giving you 4 models in the all in pledge.  To me, they look really good.  

Spare Oom Studio in the directory

3D Printable Medieval Build Procedural for Boardgames

3D Printable Medieval Build Procedural for BoardgamesThis Kickstarter has 12 days to go.  This is for the pieces to build a church… a massive church.  This is a fully modular build that gives you a lot of freedom to build pretty much whatever you need.  It already has a pretty massive number of pieces and he seems to be adding more.  

FAMG – 3D Studios in the directory


Savage Orc Miniatures by Yedharo / GT Studio. 30 – 70 mm STL

Savage Orc Miniatures by Yedharo / GT Studio. 30 - 70 mm STLThis Kickstarter has 13 days to go.  This is a largely physical Kickstarter with a few STL files.  One warning, the STL prices are kind of insane.  These are nice looking Orcs and Goblins, and it sounds like the modeler has a solid following so far, and is branching out into selling the STL files.  

Yedharo Models SL in the directory

Townsmith – Customizable 3D Printable Fantasy Buildings

Townsmith - Customizable 3D Printable Fantasy BuildingsThis Kickstarter has 15 days to go.  Note: They changed their prices significantly, have a new look! This is an interesting one.  You can create and build your own buildings, similar to how Hero Forge works.  This is a very ambitious project that involves building software to build your buildings and then download them.  This gives you modularity for what you want to build with solid buildings that don’t have to be constructed with each use.  This is a pretty unique concept in the 3D Printing community.  

Townsmith in the directory

Cool 3D STL files of car miniatures

Cool 3D STL files of car miniatures

This Kickstarter has 15 days to go.  This is an interesting Kickstarter that features a ton of small cars for various board games that feature cars.  I used to play Formula De, and this would have been awesome back then.  These are all small scale so probably all print best on resin based 3D printers. 

Fabio Pellegrino in the directory

Skies of Sordane – 3D printable STL airships and miniatures

Skies of Sordane - 3D printable STL airships and miniaturesThis Kickstarter has 17 days to go.  These are very cool looking ships and crew miniatures for 3D Printing.  They are built to be printed in FDM or Resin and they say they have been tested on both using different printers.  You can definately see the Eberron influence (my personal favorite D&D setting) in this release.  

Arcane Minis in the directory

Rage Lords 54mm Female Quality Resin Miniatures by HeresyLab

Rage Lords 54mm Female Quality Resin Miniatures by HeresyLab

This Kickstarter has 17 days to go.  This is the latest release from Heresy Lab.  This is a collection of miniatures designed for 54mm, though some in this Kickstarter are designed for 28mm. There are a huge number of miniatures available in this Kickstarter.  

HeresyLAB in the directory

Sci-fi 3d Printable Terrain

Sci-fi 3d Printable TerrainThis Kickstarter has 19 days to go.  Cross Lances has started their first Sci-fi based terrain set.  This is a Star Wars Legion based terrain set that features terrain for a multitude of “looks” or worlds  to play on.  Like his previous releases, this one looks really good.  

Cross Lances in the directory


Arbiter Miniatures – Supportless 3d printable monsters

Arbiter Miniatures - Supportless 3d printable monstersThis Kickstarter has 21 days to go.  This is a large collection of extremely detailed monster miniatures.  These have been designed for FDM printers. 

Arbiter Miniatures in the directory



Portals of WOR: Expansion of Worlds

Portals of WOR: Expansion of WorldsThis Kickstarter has 25 days to go. Worlds Over Run is going back to their previous worlds and giving us more goodies to add.  My favorite, Thorn is back, as is Grove, Strata, Scorch and Inferno.  If you have any of the previous sets, what you get is more unique pieces in the style of that world.  Along with the normal stretch goals you see, there are a good number of social media stretch goals as well.  

Worlds Over Run in the directory

Pathfinder compatible dinosaurs

Pathfinder compatible dinosaursThis Kickstarter has 25 days to go.  If you are in need of dinosaurs for your Pathfinder or D&D game, this Kickstarter has you covered. These dinosaurs even feature places to put miniatures to ride the dinosaurs.  

AAminis in the directory


Village of Verrell: a 3D printable village

Village of Verrell: a 3D printable STL villageThis Kickstarter has 25 days to go.  This is Don’s latest Kickstarter and expands on his line of village terrain started with Homesteads and Hostelries.  This is a number of buildings, and they are even designed for LED tea lights to fit inside to light them.

Don Stouffer in the directory


WOW Apocalypse and Modern Warfare 3D printable files in stl

WOW Apocalypse and Modern Warfare 3D printable files in stl

This Kickstarter has 27 days to go.  If you are in need of terrain pieces for a post Apocalyptic board game, this terrain set has you covered.  If you need a more modern looking back-woods town this also has you covered.  He also has a decently priced funding tier for this + his previous Post Apocalypse Kickstarter.  

WOW Buildings in the directory

3D Printable Castle

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dobbeldragon/3d-printable-castle?ref=makerfun3d.comThis Kickstarter has 27 days to go.  If you are in need of a classic castle for 28mm scale games this may fit what you are looking for.  This is a pretty simple Kickstarter featuring all the parts needed for a castle.  

Dobble Dragon in the directory


District 0012

District 0012

This Kickstarter has 27 days to go.  This is a sci-fi industrial complex.  There are a bunch of terrain pieces to put together and build out large table spanning complexes.  This campaign has a ton of models that can be set up as scatter terrain or they work together, plus a large amount of scatter terrain and other industrial pieces. 

Forbidden Prints in the directory

The Commanding Castle

The Commanding CastleThis Kickstarter has 30 days to go.  If you need a large castle for gaming table check out this Kickstarter.  This Kickstarter has both STL and physical tiers.  This is designed for 28mm wargames and miniatures.  

Culverin Models in the directory


Modu-FAB – 3d Printable Wargames Terrain

Modu-FAB - 3d Printable Wargames Terrain

This Kickstarter has 36 days to go.  This is a modular Sci-Fi terrain set.  This is a very extensive set of terrain and it is their 3rd Kickstarter.  This would make a great addition to anyone’s sci-fi gaming table.  

Watcorp Designs in the directory


Damocles part 1, modular industrial buildings for wargaming

Damocles part 1, modular industrial buildings for wargamingThis Kickstarter has 49 days to go.  This is a modular system for creating buildings for your sci-fi wargame.  This allows different looks for the terrain and keeps it modular to build what is needed.  

Alario / William Touret in the directory


Warmachines for Survival

Warmachines for SurvivalThis Kickstarter has 9 days to go.  This is a giant moving platform vaguely reminiscent of Mortal Engines.  This one features a bunch of vehicles as well as terrain in general.

Lootgames in the directory






Empire of Scorching Sands – 3D Printable Tabletop Models

Empire of Scorching Sands - 3D Printable Tabletop ModelsThis Kickstarter has finished.  If you are in need of miniatures and terrain for a desert / Arabian Nights type game, this is the Kickstarter for you.  They have blown through 13 stretch goals already and others are easily within striking distance.  Right now it is has over 50 miniature models and close to double that number of terrain pieces as part of this Kickstarter giving you a wide range of miniatures and terrain pieces to choose from.  There has not been a lot that has been done along these lines, so this is pretty cool. Also, these minis and terrain are fully support-free making them easier to print on FDM.

EC3D Designs in the directory

Mega – City Vehicles : 3D Printable Files

Mega - City Vehicles : 3D Printable FilesThis Kickstarter has finished.  Hayland is back with some awesome looking sci-fi vehicles.  These just look great and several pieces in this Kickstarter would actually work great for Gaslands if you scaled them down.  There are a number of great looking vehicles and a bunch of terrain to put on your table for various games and uses, from miniatures to scatter terrain.  

Hayland Terrain in the directory


StarfolkeThis Kickstarter has finished.  This is another terrific Kickstarter from Ill Gotten Games.  This one features a ton of miniatures for your Sci-Fi games. These would be terrific for a Starfinder.  Along with all of the awesome miniatures, they are also releasing a bunch of terrain that fits in with that theme.  Not to mention, there is an awesome alien band to print as well.  

Ill Gotten Games in the directory

Masters Vol 1 – 3d Printable STL Files

Masters Vol 1 - 3d Printable STL FilesThis Kickstarter has finished.  This is not miniatures for gaming tables, but 80mm dioramas.  It could probably be used for gaming.  You also get access to their excellent Goblin Kickstarter as an add-on (which is a gaming Kickstarter).  

Madcap Miniatures in the directory


Atomic Shelter – The Atompunk underground Complex

Atomic Shelter - The Atompunk underground ComplexThis Kickstarter has finished.  Another excellent terrain Kickstarter from M3Studios, this one features a buried bunker to survive the apocalypse.  This features tons of terrain pieces for modern or post apocalypse type games, or even near history.  This is a combination of tiles put together and tons of terrain to go inside to give them character.  

M3 Studios in the directory

3d Printable FROST GIANTS and their furry friends! 7 days!

3d Printable FROST GIANTS and their furry friends! 7 days!This Kickstarter has finished. Here is a new miniatures Kickstarter that features some terrific looking models from Medusa Miniatures.  3 frost giants, 2 baby ice bears and a dire wolf.

Medusa Miniatures in the directory


Wardroid Graveyard – 3D Printable Scenery

Wardroid Graveyard - 3D Printable SceneryThis Kickstarter has finished.  This is one terrific scatter terrain set.  There is a very wide selection of pieces for different needs.  It would fit in a sci-fi or post apocalyptic wargame, though some pieces could be used in more modern and even historic games (like the junk barricades). This also has tie ins to an independent film called The Wastelander.  There is also game lore and PDF supplement featuring a one-shot story for any RPG system.  All in all, this sounds like a cool Kickstarter.

The Wasteland Trader in the directory

Fantasy miniatures Vol1 (STL for 3D Prints)

Fantasy miniatures Vol1This Kickstarter has finished. These are fantasy miniatures for gaming and are a bit on the large size for most 28mm games, as is.  With 3D Printing, you can scale them as needed.  These all look pretty good.  This comes with 10 miniatures and he is aiming for 3 volumes of miniatures. 

3D IPStudios in the directory



3D Printable STL Miniature Files and Terrain for your Table Top Role Playing Games. Featuring Gladiators and Epic Historic Terrain.This Kickstarter has finished.  This is the latest release from Ian Lovecraft, and the first he has released on his own in some time.  This one features a number of miniatures and historic terrain pieces for creating your own Gladiatorial combat matches on the tabletop. Along with the miniatures and terrain, you an add-on the Sons of Mars rules for use with these miniatures and terrain.

Lovecraft Design in the directory


3D Printable SciFi OpenLOCK Compatible Tiles for Gaming Vol4

3D Printable SciFi OpenLOCK Compatible Tiles for Gaming Vol4This Kickstarter has finished.  This is the newest OpenLOCK Based sci-fi tile set from Project Mobius.  If are in need of awesome sci-fi tiles to build out a base, you can’t go wrong here.  This is created for 28mm miniatures.  This is his first “theme” style Kickstarter and features a train station theme.  It is very unique and since it is OpenLOCK can be connected to many other tiles as well. 

Project Mobius in the directory

30+ Printable Modular Space Ship Miniatures30+ Printable Modular Space Ship Miniatures

This Kickstarter has finished.  This Kickstarter features an array of printable, modular starship models.  This features a ton of different miniatures that can be built with these pieces.  

Shane Wallis in the directory

3D Printable Sci-fi Buildings for Tabletop Wargames Set #2

3D Printable Sci-fi Buildings for Tabletop Wargames Set #2This Kickstarter has finished.  This is a broad set of science fiction based terrain.  There are 3 subsets.  The main sci-fi building theme.  The Desert building them, and then large ground panels and walls.  There are a number extensive stretch goals that are available as well.  Two have already been unlocked.  He also has add-ons for his previous Kickstarters like the Tau and Eldar terrain sets.

Sean H Bullough in the directory

Citizen of the Old World 2.0 – 28mm Heroic Scale miniatures

Citizen of the Old World 2.0 - 28mm Heroic Scale miniaturesThis Kickstarter has finished.  This is a new miniatures Kickstarter from Heresy Lab.  This Kickstarter starts with 10 figures to print (or buy cast versions).  These are fantasy figures that are a very diverse group.  This Kickstarter also has several possibilities to be unlocked as it goes on.  

Heresy Lab in the directory

Boss Mixed Monsters 3d Printable War-Games.

Boss Mixed Monsters 3d Printable War-GamesThis Kickstarter has finished. This Kickstarter features a number of monsters to use in a multitude of games.  Because of the nature of the models, they work across a bunch of differing genres.  This latest Kickstarter features 12 models, 6 are organic and 6 are mechanical.  That gives it much more diversity of uses.  

Infinite Bestiary in the directory

Mythological creatures-3D models for 3D printing 2.0

Mythological creatures-3D models for 3D printing 2.0This Kickstarter has finished.  This has mythic creatures that you can scale for your gaming table. 

3D Graphics in the directory


Sci-Fi Gothic Sanctuary- 3D Printable Cathedrals and Bunkers

Sci-Fi Gothic Sanctuary- 3D Printable Cathedrals and BunkersThis Kickstarter has finished.  Another great looking Kickstarter from War Scenery, this one takes on the grimdark cathedrals of 40k.  There are lots of spikes, and lots of skulls, just what the emperor ordered.  As part of this Kickstarter, you can add in his past Kickstarter offerings as well, making this an even greater deal.

 War Scenery in the directory

Holy Company of Fisterra – STL FIles by Ezipion

Holy Company of Fisterra - STL FIles by EzipionThis Kickstarter has finished.  This one features a number of miniatures based on Spanish myth.  It’s also part of a larger game he is working on.  These figures come in a 30mm scale fit for many wargames and RPGs.  You can scale them from there. 

Miniaturas Ezipion in the directory

Remnants of Battle

Remnants of BattleThis Kickstarter has finished.  Craters, berms, boulders, and trees with battle damage are just the beginning of this Kickstarter.  These are pretty universal for all kinds of games whether it is modern, sci-fi, or intense magical energies causing the damage.  It also includes a bunker as well as the possibility to pledge for his previous Kickstarter – Corridors of Fate.

Neil Billings in the directory


Medieval world – 3D printing (part 4)

Medieval world - 3D printing (part 4)This Kickstarter has finished. This is the latest release from Medieval World.  There are a number of new buildings in this Kickstarter to expand your collection with.  

3D Graphics in the directory


Exo outpost – 3d printable terrain

Exo outpost - 3d printable terrainThis Kickstarter has finished. This is a modular, sci-fi “outpost” that can be designed in many different layouts.  It has a multitude of floors and roof sections as well as walls to build a number of build outs.  There are also a ton of pieces that can used for scatter terrain.  There is a ton of terrain that could fill up a table quickly from the Kickstarter.  

Camaleón 3D in the directory

TOR AZUR building elve 3d printing for wargames 24 to 32mm

TOR AZUR building elve 3d printing for wargames 24 to 32mmThis Kickstarter has finished.  This is a fantasy terrain Kickstarter featuring an elven port town.  The Kickstarter features several buildings and already a number of stretch goals have been unlocked making this an even better deal.  The elven terrain looks very good and “elven” like.  This Kickstarter features both STL files and fully printed pieces so make sure you choose the right pledge level. 

Fantasy Workshop 3D in the directory

3D Printable Scenery: 1/285 and 6mm Cold War Eastern Europe

3D Printable Scenery: 1/285 and 6mm Cold War Eastern Europe Eastern Europe editionThis Kickstarter has finished.  This Kickstarter is for a smaller scales at 6mm.  This is a WWII era terrain set for the Eastern Europe theater.  These are buildings I have not seen much of, let alone in the 6mm scale.  

Maurizio Motta in the directory


WOWD Day , Pushing On 3D Printing Stl Files for World War 2

WOWD Day , Pushing On 3D Printing Stl Files for World War 2This Kickstarter has finished. This is another WOWBuildings World War 2 based Kickstarter.  These are some pretty large, detailed buildings for your gaming table.  There are a ton of pieces for this latest Kickstarter, and the Gustav railway gun just looks awesome.  This also features a number of ruined versions of the buildings. 

WOW Buildings in the directory

Doc’s 3D Printable Buildings for Tabletop Gaming Expansion 2

Doc’s 3D Printable Buildings for Tabletop Gaming Expansion 2This Kickstarter has finished. This is Doc’s latest expansion to his fantasy buildings collection.  This features a number of buildings that have been partially destroyed in battle, or because of woeful lack of building regulations.  We’ll never really know.  He also provides them fully constructed so you can choose to let out outside in, or keep the outside out when setting up your gaming table.  You can even add in the previous 2 collections if you wish to get all of his pieces.  

Doc’s 3D Printable Buildings in the directory

Thre3Dee Tabletop | 3D print-ready RPG components

Thre3Dee Tabletop | 3D print-ready RPG componentsThis Kickstarter has finished. If you are in need of a bunch of RPG parts, this is the Kickstarter for you.  There are a number of miniatures and a number of terrain pieces for a fantasy RPG game.  Dungeon tiles and walls, terrain, it has it all. 

Unchained Games in the directory

The Dwarves

The DwarvesThis Kickstarter has finished. If you need Dwarves… this Kickstarter is for yo.  It has Dwarves… a lot of Dwarves.  So many of the little guys.  A bunch of stretch goals have been met extending out the number even further with even more to come.  The creator is also releasing the Chitubox file that has the models prepped and ready for printing (hollow, supported, etc). 

Epics ‘N’ Stuffs in the directory

Beautiful Night – Gothic Pinup Set – STL Files for 3D Prints

Beautiful Night - Gothic Pinup Set - STL Files for 3D PrintsThis Kickstarter has finished.  This is not miniatures, exactly.  These are 75mm models that could be modified (i.e. shrunk) to fit on a gaming table.  It looks like there are currently 13 models available in this Kickstarter.  These are beautiful sculpts at 75mm.  

Bella Nacht – 3D Studios in the directory

3D printable terrain Diseños 3D para imprimir

3D printable terrain Diseños 3D para imprimirThis Kickstarter has been canceled.  This is the first set of miniatures from Attrezzo.  It features a more realistic set of houses for your wargames.  With stretch goals there are low walls, damaged buildings and more.   These are 28mm (1/56) scale.

Attrezzo. Modeling and Wargames in the directory





This Kickstarter was unsuccessful.  This is a terrific looking stadium for your fantasy football leagues.  It has all the “modern” convinces an Orc would want in a pitch.  A dugout with beer, places to stack the dead and LOTS of bits.  

The Goblin’s Treasure in the directory


PostApocalyptic Printable Terrain Bonanza

PostApocalyptic Printable Terrain BonanzaThis Kickstarter has finished.  This is all of the previous Kickstarters back again.  These are sci-fi / Post Apocalyptic style pieces for 28mm wargames.  They feature a diverse style and sizes for different games and there is some modularity as well.  

LOOTgames in the directory

What if I don’t have a 3D Printer?

I created a guide for those that don’t own a 3D Printer. It goes through several places that you can get prints done.  I plan to expand it as new ideas come my way.

If you are looking to pick up a 3D Printer, check out my 3D Printer Buying Guide.  If you want the bare-bones, quick recommendation, check out my quick guide to what 3D Printer to buy.