World War Tesla – The Game
Make no mistake. I believe World War Tesla is part of a new wave of tabletop war games that will be delivered virtually for the end user to print. You can bet that other traditional miniatures companies are keeping their eyes on this game. It’s already been the Number one game since it released over a month ago. This is really showing how things are changing.
The Game, and Expansions
Here are the rules and official expansions from Fat Dragon Games, for World War Tesla. And remember, they also create some terrific terrain as well.
Rules and Expansions
- World War Tesla: Starter Set – This is where you start out.
- World War Tesla: Blast Crater – This is a free terrain piece.
- World War Tesla: Land Torpedo – This is a set and forget armament to attack enemy forces.
- World War Tesla: LaSalle Medium Tank – This is a tank with a 360 firing arc.
Other Resources
- Parts Needed per Model – This page shows how many of each file is needed to be printed for the unit.
- World War Tesla F.A.Q. – Frequently Asked Questions about World War Tesla.
- Fat Dragon Games – The makers of World War Tesla.
Painting Tutorials
- 3D Printed Mini Speed Paint : World War Tesla Sturmpanzer IIa Mech
Talking about World War Tesla and Fat Dragon Games
- World War Tesla on Facebook: The World War Tesla Facebook Group.
- Fat Dragon Games on Facebook: Fat Dragon Games is the company behind World War Tesla
Reviews and Other Information
- Geek Dad – Review of World War Tesla
- Beasts of War – Preview on the release of World War Tesla