One of the great things about our 3D printers, is the 3D terrain we can create. This is one of the primary reasons I purchased a 3D printer. Without high-quality files with which to print, the printers are kind of useless. I’m going to be listing Kickstarters by the time left in their campaigns. If I missed any, please let me know. You can find these companies and more in our 3D Terrain directory. Finally, if you are looking at getting into printing terrain, check out this guide on getting your first 3D Printer. Click here for February’s Kickstarters. Click here for April’s Kickstarters.
Note: FINISHED Kickstarters are at the bottom of the list.
The Lost Islands – 3D printable Terrain for RPG and Wargames
This Kickstarter has 35 hours to go. Ships! Islands! Pirates! This has it all. (Well, except for Robots and Ninjas obviously… Future Kickstarter maybe?). Printable Scenery looks like it has yet another hit on its hands. Great looking ships, great looking buildings, and more terrific terrain for your wargames.
Printable Scenery in the directory
A Bridge Too WoW – 3D STL Bridges, Buildings, Terrain & more
This Kickstarter has 4 days to go. This is a WWII based terrain kickstarter with bridges, buildings, boats and other World War 2 based items. This is a 20mm based Kickstarter that will scale to 28mm or 10mm or whatever you need.
WoW Buildings in the directory
Mystic-Realm’s Corrupted Forest Printable Terrain Collection
This Kickstarter has 7 days to go. Mystic Realm is back with their second Kickstarter. This one features more… mundane terrain. Trees, rocks, grass fields and mounds, and some small buildings you may find in a twisted forest. This looks like another outstanding Kickstarter for both RPGs fans and wargamers alike.
3D printable Sci-Fi Tanks
This Kickstarter has 8 days to go. Dunan ‘Shadow’ Louca has started his first Kickstarter. This one is all about awesome looking Sci-Fi Tanks. As always, his sculps and work looks impeccable. This one is very interesting and I would expect it to do great.
Duncan ‘Shadow’ Louca in the directory
Printable Terrain for your 3D Printer Japan / China
This Kickstarter has 8 days to go. This is the first Asian themed Kickstarter I have seen. This has been something that has been lacking in the design community and something I have heard mentioned several times. This should bring us some very unique terrain for our fantasy wargames.
3D Print terrain in the directory
Forest of Oakenspire – 3D Printable Tabletop Models
This Kickstarter has 10 days to go. This is the first Kickstarter from EC3D designs. It features an awesome flying ship, cool large tree building. In the first few hours of the Kickstarter, it has already crushed through a number of stretch goals to bring additional pieces to the airship and Tree Building.
28mm Modular Modern Buildings & Scenery
This Kickstarter has 12 days to go. This is Hayland Terrain’s latest Kickstarter showing modern tiles and terrain for your gaming table. From the garage to a supermarket, to plants and then on to stretch goals. There is also a Universal Tile upgrade, on top of the main modern terrain Kickstarter.
Hayland Terrain in the directory
Wightwood Abbey – 3D Printable Medieval Monastery
This Kickstarter has 19 days to go. This campaign by Infinite Dimensions Games features a beautifully modeled monastery to flesh out your wargame board. It fits across multiple timeframes and genres. This Kickstarter includes a number of stretch goals that will expand the size and scope of the abby as their goals are met. I can’t wait to check this one out in person.
Infinite Dimensions Games in the directory
CHICHARRA – Scifi Hopper for 3D printing
This Kickstarter has 20 days to go. This is a unique Kickstarter, in that it is designed around a model, the “Chicharra”. It is a flying, sci-fi vehicle. Included in the bundle are 2 versions and some terrain pieces for it.
Topo Solitario Crafts in the directory
This Kickstarter has 30 days to go. This Kickstarter is optimized to make 3D Printable miniatures, using an FDM printer. Conventional miniatures do not print well on FDM printers, but specific models can be optimized for FDM printers. Ill Gotten Games is known for the terrific and prolific creation of STL files for print, and like his other Kickstarters, these look great. This one sneaked in at the end of March.
Ill Gotten Games in the directory
WOR Catalog Two: 3D Printable Tabletop Terrain for 28mm
This Kickstarter has finished. Worlds Over Run was one of my favorite Kickstarters from 2017. Catalog two takes things to the next level. He has an interesting take on terrain and is designing worlds to play on. There is not anyone that does the organic terrain well as Eric. The original Thorn world is back again and even bigger, and WOR: Catalog 2 introduces us to the Desert world of Scorch. I’ve been waiting for this new Kickstarter to arrive for a while, and am excited to see it reach its stretch goals. If you missed the first Kickstarter, there is an add-on for this one as well to get you all the great terrain from it.
Eric Askue – W.O.R. in the directory
Check out our interview with Eric Askune
Rough and Tumble : Good and bad
This Kickstarter has finished. This is a board game that is fully 3D Printable featuring beautifully sculpted miniatures to print and play with. Even if you are not looking for a board game, the miniatures look outstanding and could be used for other games.
Cross Lances Studio in the Directory
This Kickstarter has finished. This is very different take on a modular terrain system. This one is built around the dry-erase battle mats that are found on RPG tables. Instead of building a dungeon with tiles, you put these blocks around to form the walls and use the battle mat as the floor. Initially there are Stone, Wood and Technology texture blocks.
Ill Gotten Games in the directory
Epic Sci-Fi Tiles: Sci Fi Tiles for 3D Printers (OpenLOCK)
This Kickstarter has finished. It is a tile based Kickstarter for Sci-Fi terrain. It also includes windows, doors, and various dressings to go inside your Sci-Fi layout.
Epic Dungeon Tiles in the directory
Design and 3D print your own dwarves a step by step guide
The Kickstarter has finished. Steve Hampson is putting together a video on sculpting some dwarven figures. He’ll be using Sculptris to show off its capabilities and also release the Dwarves he designs as .STL files. If you are interested in making your own miniatures, this is a Kickstarter for you to check out.
ShipWorks 3d Printable Ship Terrain
This Kickstarter has finished. This is a modular ship that has a number of different looks depending on the modules you use. There are also several add ons and they have several stretch goals planned as time goes on. If you have been looking at some nautical tiles, this is for you.
Dragon Workshop / Chris Hunt in the Directory
For those of you in this boat, I created a guide on how to get prints done if you don’t own one, plus a selection of printers that would be great for this kind of work.