Meet the Maker : Brayan Nafarrate – 3D Modeler for Cthulhu: Lovecraftian Bestiary
The incredibly talented Brayan Nafarrate is back for his 7th Kickstarter, Cthulhu: Lovecraftian Bestiary. He took some time out of his schedule to answer some interview questions about this Kickstarter and about his modeling process. I’m a little late getting this up with all the stuff going on with the Covid-19.
This time, Brayan is tackling the Cthulu/Lovecratian mythos with a series of miniatures and a bust of the man himself. If you have not looked at his amazing miniatures and terrain, you are missing out. If you want to see what his models look like, printed, check out his Free Goblin on his Gumroad store. While you are there, check out his previous Kickstarter bundles as well. I have been completely blown away by his amazing bestiaries.
The Beholder/Demonic Eye to the right comes from his last Kickstarter, Bestiary 2, and is painted by a good friend of mine. This gives you an idea of what is possible, plus, hey, something to do if you are shut-in during this time. These are seriously some of my favorite miniatures to print for my game table. They print well, and look amazing. He also releases a ton of miniatures as part of these Kickstarters for an amazing price. This one is $29 USD and the number of individual miniatures is impressive. Brayan Nafarrate also has terrain he has created in the past and you can pledge for some of those funding levels as well.
- What miniatures games/RPGs do you play that inspired this Kickstarter?
- From my current Kickstarter campaign(Cthulhu: Lovecraftian Bestiary), probably the only game that inspired me was Cthulhu Death May Die, to be honest, all the inspiration comes because I like the Lovecraft creatures
- How long have you owned a 3D Printer and been making miniatures and terrain?
- One year and six months ago
- What printers do you use to print terrain and miniatures?
- Anycubic Photon, Anycubic I3 Mega, Ender 3
What got you interested in modeling 3D miniatures for print? What was your first model?
- I’m interested in make reality my 3d designs, so the miniatures for 3d print was a great way for me my first model was a baby dragon.
- Do you have a favorite model you have created?
- Yes! a draugr that I made for my first successful Kickstarter.
- You have now done a number of Kickstarters. How have those previous ones help you be more successful now? Do you still get surprises in the campaigns?
- Previous Kickstarter campaigns help me to make bundles for new backers that maybe would be interested and collect more funds to make these campaigns with a lot of models. Actually, I’m not getting many surprises
- What is your workflow for creating pieces for this Kickstarter?
- I Make the model(Or another artist), cuts, export the STL files, and test at the 3d printer.
- Will we be seeing terrain again, in the future?
- At the moment it is not in my plans, I’m pleased to create these bestiaries.
- Did I miss anything? Anything else you want to add?
- I just wanted to add that this Kickstarter campaigns cant be made without the help from other great artists, you can find all my collaborators in my Kickstarters.
I want to once again thank Brayan Nafarrate for taking some time out of his busy schedule to talk to me. You can see how great these models look, and if you can see that models look just as good printed (looking at the Demonic Eye at the beginning of this article from his LAST Kickstarter). If you want some creepy creatures for your games, this Kickstarter has it. If you love the Cthulu mythos, this Kickstarter is for you. If you need some very cool looking NPCs, check them out, he has those too. This is yet another stellar Kickstarter. I highly recommend giving Cthulhu: Lovecraftian Bestiary a look.